We are pleased to announce the PhD defense of Diana She on “Molecular beam epitaxy growth of the BiSb/MnGa heterostructures for the charge current to spin current conversion study” on Wednesday the 24th of January at 2.00pm in the TRT amphitheater.
PhD defense of Sujit Panigrahy -Dec 18th 2023
We are pleased to announce the PhD defense of Sujit Panigrahy on “Magnetic skyrmions in cobalt-based synthetic antiferromagnets” on Monday the 18th of December at 2.00pm in the Blandin amphitheater at the Laboratoire de Physique des Solides.
Congratulations to Matthieu Grelier
Matthieu Grelier, PhD at UMPHy, received the best poster award at the first annual PSiNano day on February 14, 2023
End of the LABEX NanoSaclay
Beginning of PSINano: in 2023, the LabEx NanoSaclay has ended and will be replaced by the Interdisciplinary Object (IO) PSiNano of the University Paris-Saclay
Meeting T0+23 November 14, 2022
Please note in your diaries that the next SPiCY project meeting will take place in person on Monday November 14th between 2pm and 6pm in the Laboratoire de Physique des Solides auditoruium.
SPiCY School on Spintronics
We are happy to announce the organisation of the SPiCY School on Spintronics . The school objective is to provide an overview of the Paris-Saclay research on spintronics and its latest developments. The teaching content will start at M1/M2 level with introductory lectures.
The school will take place in person on 7-9 November 2022 in sereval places of Paris-Saclay University.
More details
Progress meeting July 4, 2022
Please note in your diaries that the next SPiCY project meeting will take place in person on Monday July 4th between 9am and 1pm in the SOLEIL amphitheater.
The objective of this meeting is to review the progress in the different themes of the SPiCY project.
The program of this ½ day meeting will include presentations of the young people involved in SPiCY, those financed by the project but also those who are involved in these themes.
Thursday, January 13, 2022
LabEx NanoSaclay Annual Meeting, in person at ENS Paris-Saclay (subject to the evolution of health conditions).
A link to register will be sent at the beginning of January.
includes a SPICY presentation: “Spin current to charge current interconversion in BiSb Topological Insulator/MnGa ferromagnetic system”
Vincent Cros (UPSaclay/UMPhy) et Diana She (UMPhy/C2N/SOLEIL)
December 1, 2021
A SPICY project group meeting was held. On the agenda:
presentations by the 4 SPiCY students
presentations of collaborations between partners
Online SKYMAG 2021
We are glad to announce a concentred online version of SKYMAG with only invited talks, in two 1/2 days.
No registration fee but registration required.
Details on http://www.skymag.cnrs-thales.fr/